Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Why our markets are dying?

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 Why do you think Sydney's art and craft markets are dying out? It just seems to me that markets in Sydney are either too expensive to join or full of junk. I wonder why we can't a bit more like Melbourne has some good quality artistic market? Is that because our artists arn't good enough? or Sydney people just don't care?

Feel free to leave your comments here or on facebook or here. Maybe there's something that we can do about? 

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the market organisers are either inexperienced, or are run by councils that don't really care as long as the stall fees are paid.

    I have a stall at The Olive Tree Market at Newcastle and the Avoca Beachside Markets on Central Coast and both are really really busy markets and have stall holders selling amazingly creative products, mainly I think, because the organisers are VERY particular who they let in as stall holders.

    Also, perhaps there are just too many markets in Sydney. The organisers can't get the right mix of stallholders so they let anyone have a stall, and therefore the customers don't come back because the market isn't handmade or unique.

    Well that's my take for what it's worth, but perhaps it's question we will never have answered.
